Welcome and where to start

Got Questions?

Gather this Sunday

In person or online at 9am, 10.45am and 7pm

Consider the big questions of life.  Alpha

God in the Community

Every Day God Encounters in Townhill Park 


Ascension is an outward looking Anglican Church in
Bitterne Park Southampton.

We want to know Jesus and make him known in our local community.

What do we do?

Small groups, community action, social events and more.

Reflect on the Bible, build friendships, and pray together.​

Ascension Running Community

Kids and Toddlers at Ascension

Find out how we care for God’s creation

The rising generation - growing disciples

Worship online

We livestream our 10:45 service each week so you can join us from home.

You can find all of our services on our YouTube Channel.


What's in the calendar this week?


Contact us by phone email or send us something by post.