Holy Week at Ascension

Wondering what’s on this Easter?
We would love for you to join us this Holy Week as we reflect on Jesus’s journey towards the cross.

Each day we will engage in a different part of the story, this year following Matthew’s account.

The plan for the week is;

Monday: 9:00am Morning Prayer and 7:00pm Evening prayer

Tuesday: 9:00am Morning Prayer and 7:00pm Evening prayer/Worship Evening

Wednesday: 9:00am Morning Prayer and 7:00pm Evening prayer

Thursday: 7:00pm Maundy Thursday meal (pre-booked only – follow this link)

Friday: 1:00-3:00pm Service of Prayer and Reflection

Sunday: 6:25am Sunrise service in Riverside Park (meet at the pontoon), 9:00am Celebratory Communion, and 10:45am Easter Celebration

For those who cant make it in person, we will also be releasing daily morning prayer videos reflecting on different parts of Jesus’s story. Led by members of our church family, watch or listen along as we pray, giving each day over to Jesus afresh. Each video will be released at 6:00am so those early risers amongst you can start the day off with prayer.
Find the videos here


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