We hope you enjoyed Easter and the Holy Week activities last month. As we move into May there is still much going on here at Ascension to tell you about!
Coronation Celebrations
Saturday Screening and indoor Picnic
The coronation ceremony of King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6th May. We will be screening the ceremony live from 10 am and would love you to join us at Ascension for this. We will be serving coffee and cake from 10am – come and join us, bring your family and friends and a picnic and a drink to enjoy. We will have royal crafts and games available to keep the kids entertained too.
Sunday outdoor Picnic
To continue the coronation celebrations, we will be having a picnic together after the 10:45 service on Sunday 7th May. Weather permitting, we will head down to Riverside Park for a picnic and some games – hope to see you there.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 23rd April. It was wonderful to hear about and celebrate the things which went on at Ascension in 2022.
Helen Pain, Jackie Cooper and Chris Szedlak have now come to the end of their terms on the PCC and we are thankful to them for the roles which they have played on our PCC. Becca Bartlett was voted onto the PCC and Kevin Reynolds and Nneka Igiri were co-opted onto the PCC. Our thanks also to Frances Samphire for serving as Electoral Roll Officer. Frances has now stepped down and Anna Gordon was voted in as her replacement.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the life of our church over the last year through leading and supporting activities. We especially wish to thank our PCC members, Church Wardens (Andy and Loz), Tim (Treasurer) and Kim Wherry (Gift Aid Secretary) who all work so hard in these voluntary roles to support the activities and work of Ascension.
Wellbeing Café
The Wellbeing Café has been running every week since January in order also to provide a Warm Space for people in our community, as well as a sense of community and a place for support. We will be returning to just once a month from May (meeting the 2nd Wednesday each month). Thank you to all of the volunteers who have been supporting this.
We love to encourage people to take steps towards Jesus. If you were baptised/christened as an infant or a child, adults made the baptism promises on your behalf. Confirmation is an opportunity for you to make these promises for yourself and commit to following Jesus. Please speak to a member of the Staff Team if you would like to find out more about Confirmation.
Dates for the diary:
Over 60s at Ascension Saturday 13th May, 2.00 – 4.00 pm
Join us for an afternoon of Tea, Cake & Chat in the Grace Hall.
Lunchtime Walk & Talk Wednesdays 10th and 24th May, 12.00 pm
Meet by the noticeboard by The Old Chemist at Bitterne Park Triangle for a gentle walk in the Park.
Youth (& Parents) Weekend Away Friday 9th – Sunday 11th June
A fun weekend in Cornwall for our youth and their families. An opportunity to spend time together, surfing, bodyboarding, eating together
YouthFest Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th June
More information available for all out events on our on website www.ascensionsouthampton.co.uk/whats-on/
With every blessing,
Ascension Team