June News

As we move into summer we want to make sure you are kept up to date with what’s happening in our Church life here at Ascension.

A hello and a fond farewell
We are delighted to welcome Luke to the team!  Luke was recently employed as our Assistant Children’s and Youth Worker and will be supporting Jo with the busy, fun, noisy, chaotic and often messy activities which go on here for our children and youth. Please join us in helping Luke to feel at home here at Ascension.

Ann Devereux has been at Ascension for a number of years.  While here she went through the discernment process and has since been training with us at Ascension.  As part of her training she is now moving to a new context at Ampfield, Chilworth and North Baddesley.  We wish her well and every blessing for the future.

Finally, our faithful gardener is retiring so we are now looking for someone new to keep the Garden of Remembrance neat and tidy.  Please contact Anna in the office if you have any recommendations!

Parent Support Group, Townhill Park
Ruth has recently started a new venture, launching a Parent Support Group in Townhill Park.  Operating from the SureStart Family Hub on Cutbush Lane, this is a welcoming space for parents to drop in for company and support with space for little ones to play.  Every Monday (term-time) from 1.30 – 3.00 pm. Please contact Ruth on 07484 617871 for more information or if you would like to help.

Men’s Breakfasts
We have a number of dates planned over the months ahead for the men from our church and community to meet together and start the weekend with breakfast and a talk. The first date in the series will be on Saturday 17th June at 8:30am. All upcoming dates for these breakfasts can be found on our website. For more information please speak to Ben Jackson.  Please book tickets via ChurchSuite.

Small Groups
As Ascension is a big and busy place, our Small Groups offer a chance to get to know people within the church in an easier setting.  Meeting on different days, times and places (often people’s homes) we hope that you will find one which works for you even if you are trying to juggle work, children and everything else!  If you are not yet in a small group and would like to find out more, please speak to Steve Waterton or email smallgroups@ascensionsouthampton.co.uk

Worship and Prayer Evenings
We are pleased to have two more dates for Worship and Prayer evenings over the coming months – Sunday 11th June and Sunday 9th July both at the slightly later time of 7.00 pm. These evenings are a wonderful opportunity to meet with God through pared down worship and prayer. We hope to see you there.

Upcoming youth events
Youth Families Weekend Away Friday 9th – Sunday 11th June
Looking forward to our wonderful escape to the coast with the families of our Sunday Youth group.  Please speak to Jo for more information.

YouthFest Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th June – For young people in school years 6-13. Set at beautiful Lockerley Farm, the YouthFest weekend will be packed with fun and games and food with some incredible teaching and times of worship together.  Please speak to Jo ASAP if your young person would like to come.

Great Big Green week 
Great Big Green week is the UK’s celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. As Christians, we know God created everything on earth, and he asks us to care for his work; so on Sunday 11th June the GrACE group (Greening Ascension’s Community and Environment) will be  make some suggestions for what we might like to do during the week to show our care for God’s creation. Your suggestions are welcome too – come and chat to them before and after the service. Then on 18th if you have managed to do the suggested action you took away on 11th, the GrACE group will be there for you to let us know, so we can celebrate as a Church. Please contact Helen Pain if you have any questions or want to find out more on gracegroup@ascensionsouthampton.co.uk

Wellbeing Café
The Wellbeing Café has now come to a close, having operated over the winter to provide a warm space, community drop in and chance for anyone from our community to come and enjoy a hot drink and cake with our friendly team, also offering the opportunity to access further support on specific issues.  Thank you to the amazing team who have supported this over the last 6 months!

God bless,

Ascension Staff Team

Further ahead – dates for the diary:

Picnic in Riverside park Sunday 2nd July 12:15 (after 10:45 am service)

Worship and Prayer Sunday 9th July, 7.00 pm

Men’s Breakfast Saturday 15th July, 08.30 – 10.00 am

Over 60s at Ascension Saturday 15th  July, 2.00 – 4.00 pm


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