July News

With the summer break just around the corner, we want to keep you informed about what’s planned at Ascension for July and August.


During the month of August, our Sundays will look a little different.  The 9 am and 10.45 am services will continue but the 10.45 am service will be a bit shorter and really family-friendly, with activities provided for the children within the main service, so that all ages can meet together. (There will not be separate children’s groups during this time while our volunteers have a well-deserved break).  Edge+ will also take a break in August.

Youth Fest 2023: Report from Jo

We had an incredible time with 135 young people from lots of different churches across the city.  Whilst we had lots of fun: widegames, waterslides and water-fights, campfire songs and seeing them get to know people from other churches, the highlight for me was seeing several of them give their lives to Jesus and the holy spirit moving powerfully in their lives.  It was so exciting seeing the young people lost in worship, praying and prophesying over each other, growing in their faith, commitment and understanding of the plans God has for them.

Volunteers needed

Welcome Team—We would love to make sure that everyone who comes through the doors at Ascension, receives a warm and friendly welcome. To do this, we need you! If you would be willing to be part of our welcome team please get in touch with  lizi@ascensionsouthampton.co.uk

Audio Visual Team—If you are good with technology, please consider helping with the AV system for our Sunday services.  We are looking for more volunteers to join a rota, helping with the sound and visuals.  Training will be given so feel free to come and try and see if it might be for you. Get in touch with Lizi if you are interested.

Basics Bank

The demand for support from Southampton City Mission’s Food Bank continues to grow, and the organisation needs donations to meet this need.  If you are able to buy any items of dried and tinned food to donate, these can be bought to the collection point at Ascension.


Our gathering in Townhill Park is currently meeting on a fortnightly basis (next meeting 16th July). This is an informal time together at Townhill Park Community Centre offering a simple meal together as well as support, friendship and children’s activities, suitable for families and individuals alike. Get in touch with Ruth if you would like to find out more about this or want to get involved.

Over 60s

We are looking forward to the next Over 60’s Social at Ascension on Saturday 15th July from 2 – 4pm. These afternoons are a lovely opportunity to enjoy tea, cake and chat in great company.  Please do invite anyone you know who might like to come along (no need to book).


We have been trying out a lunchtime walk in Riverside Park on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month.  Due to a lack of uptake we have decided to take a break but we hope to revisit this in the future.

Upcoming July Events 

All our events are available to see on our website, but here is a bit of a taster as to what to expect over the next month:

  • Parent Support Group, Townhill Park Mondays 3rd, 10th and 17th July, 1.30 – 3.00 pm – A welcoming space for parents to drop in for company and support at SureStart Family Hub, Cutbush Lane, Townhill Park, SO18 2GF
  • Worship and Prayer Sunday 9th July, 7.00 pm – An informal evening time for prayer and worship together.
  • Men’s Breakfast Saturday 15th July, 08.30 – 10.00 am – An opportunity for the men from our church and community to get together, enjoying breakfast together and a talk from a guest speaker. Tickets £5, please book via Ascension website no later than Thursday 13th July for catering purposes. https://ascensionsouthampton.churchsuite.com/events/ftm6eeij
  • Children’s Praise Party & Water fight Sunday 30th July (during 10:45 am service) Within the children’s group session. Please bring a towel/dry clothes and water pistols if you have them.
  • Edge+ Summer Pop Up Event 29th & 30th August – details to be confirmed

Finally, as Simon reminded us on Sunday as we started our new sermon series looking at 1 Thessalonians  – God meets us in the difficulties of life. He has chosen each of us for a purpose – that purpose is to see God’s Kingdom come. Our challenge this month is to reflect, think and pray about who we are imitating? Who are our role models and who are we being a role model to? If you missed the sermon – do watch it back on our YouTube channel.

With every blessings

The Ascension Staff Team

“For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake.” 1 Thessalonians 4-5


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