February News

Although the early months of the year can seem slow while we wait for the warmth and sunshine which Spring brings, here at Ascension we have exciting new activities springing into life as well as lots of news to update you on:

Winter Youth Fest
Last month our young people met with other young people from across the city for Winter Youth Fest. There were 140 young people from 14 different churches who met for worship, pizza and lots of fun. Thank you to all who prayed for the event, it was amazing to see the spirit at work in our young people.

The EDGE Hub update and Half Term fun
The EDGE Hub opening was a huge success with over 100 people coming through the door. We were able to offer a wide range of delicious cakes, thanks to your kind donations. The EDGE Hub is now open, Monday – Thursday 8.45am – 1.00pm. We are hoping to be open more hours as more volunteers come on board. If you feel you could bake cakes, serve drinks or chat to clients, please do contact Ruth (07484 617871) or Liz Norris. 

This February Half Term we will be welcoming families from the local area to The EDGE Hub for crafts and games, pancake tossing and biscuit decorating on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th February from 10am – 12pm.  If you are able to volunteer some time or cakes for this event then please do get in contact with Ruth – she would love to hear from you! ruth@ascensionsouthampton.co.uk 

New daytime Small Group
Small Groups are a really important part of how we grow together as disciples of Jesus. Most of our small groups meet in the evenings, but we have recently started up a new daytime small group which meets on a Thursday afternoon. If you are interested in joining this small group, or would like to find out more about what’s involved in belonging to a small group, please contact Steve, our small groups co-ordinator – smallgroups@ascensionsouthampton.co.uk 

Newcomer’s Meal
If you are new (or new-ish) to Ascension, we would love to invite you to join us for lunch after the 10.45am service on Sunday 25th February for an opportunity to meet others and find out more about what goes on in our church.  There is no cost for the meal, but please do sign up here (and advise us of any dietary requirements) for catering purposes.

Easter at Ascension
Ash Wednesday
On Wednesday 14th February we will have a service with Holy Communion and imposition of ashes at 10am to mark Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. We would love to have you join us for this special service.

Maundy Thursday Service and Meal
We would love to invite you to join us this Maundy Thursday (28th March) for a unique service and meal together in remembrance of the Last Supper. Doors will open at 6:45pm and we’ll begin at 7pm in the worship space, we will eat together, worship together and celebrate communion.

Tickets are £5 per person and are available to buy on our website until Sunday 24th March. If you would be able to provide a pudding for this meal to help us keep our costs down, then please do get in touch with lizi@ascensionsouthampton.co.uk

The service will not be aimed at children, but older children may want to come and are welcome.

Other upcoming dates for the diary:
Worship and Prayer Evenings
Sunday 11th February and Sunday 10th March, 7.00 – 8.30 pm
An informal evening time for prayer and worship together.

Prayer Walks
Sunday 25th February and Sunday 24th March, 7pm
Meeting outside Ascension for a walk around the parish in small groups welcoming the Holy Spirit into our community. 

Men’s Breakfasts
Saturday 17th February and Saturday 16th March, 8.30 – 10 am
A breakfast social for the men from our church and community.  Tickets £5, please book via ChurchSuite or Ascension website events page.

More information is available for all our regular activities and events on our website: www.ascensionsouthampton.co.uk/whats-on/

Finally, but most importantly, we hope and pray that, however your week and month is looking, you will face daily reminders over February of God’s love for you and of His great faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23).

With prayers and blessings,

The Ascension Staff Team 


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