We launch into April straight after the joyful celebration of Easter Sunday. It has been wonderful to journey through Holy Week together with extra services at Ascension as well as the Holy Week at Home kits. We would love to hear what impacted you this Easter.
The month ahead is an important one as we have our APCM (please see details below) as well as other interesting opportunities in our Church and community.
Easter holiday activities at The EDGE Hub
On Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th April we will be having a second week of holiday fun mornings at the EGDE Hub (121-123 Meggeson Avenue, SO18 2FN). Come and join us between 10.00 am – 1.00 pm at The EDGE Hub for crafts, games and fun.
4-week Parenting Course
Starting Tuesday 23rd April, 7.00 – 9.00 pm, for 4 weeks. This Parenting Course will run over 4 Tuesday evenings, with the first session being run by Lorraine Lee. Lorraine Lee Training offers dynamic and inspirational training for parents, teachers, pupils and early years practitioners. Each week we will look at a different topic, including Managing Anxiety, Managing Anger and Strong Emotions, Stop Shouting and Create Learning Instead and Positive Discipline. Tickets cost £20. For more information and to book, please see our events page.
On Sunday 28th April, after our 10:45 service, we will be holding our Annual Parochial Church Meeting. This meeting is a wonderful opportunity to share what God has been doing here at Ascension over the last year, as well as a space where elections take place for the Parochial Church Council (PCC), the Churchwardens and the parish’s representatives on the Deanery Synod PCC. Please do join us for this if you can. More details about this meeting and vacancies for the above roles will be displayed at the back of the church.
Electoral Roll
As we prepare for the APCM, we are also asking people to consider joining the Electoral Roll. This enables you to be able to vote at the APCM. To enrol on the Electoral Roll you will need to complete the following form by 9th April. (A paper version is also available from church and should be returned to the office).
Prayer Walk
Our next prayer walk will take place on Sunday 28th April. We will meet at 7pm outside Ascension and walk around the parish in small groups welcoming the Holy Spirit into our community. Please do join us if you can.
Upcoming dates for your diary:
EDGE+ (at Townhill Park Community Centre) – Sundays 14th & 28th April, 4.00 – 6.00 pm
Friendship, support, games, craft and stories of Jesus, with a simple meal together.
Worship and Prayer – Sunday 14th April, 7.00 – 8.30 pm
An informal evening time for prayer and worship together.
Men’s Breakfast – Saturday 20th April, 08.30 – 10.00 am
A breakfast social for the men from our church and community. Tickets £5, please book via Ascension website.
God bless,
Ascension Team