May News

The bluebells are out at Riverside Park and our local green spaces are lush and alive. We feel that there are many new things bursting into life within Ascension’s activities too which we want to share with you as well as updates from the last month.

Easter at Ascension update
We had a busy schedule during Holy Week and Easter and we hope you were able to engage in some way. Thank you to Mac for designing the ‘Holy week at home’ kits – we have received lots of feedback from individuals, couples and families who found these daily readings and reflections really helpful.  The Maundy Thursday meal was a lovely time together with a very special atmosphere – it was great to have so many of us together and we’d like to say a huge thank you to all the helpers who stayed to help tidy up. Our Good Friday quiet contemplation service provided space to pause and reflect, before the city-wide Good Friday event which saw hundreds of people from many different churches meeting together in Guildhall square, with a powerful talk and an amazing gospel choir.  Back on our patch, 30 early-risers weren’t put off by the clocks changing and met together at sunrise on Easter Sunday for our service in Riverside Park, and then of course we enjoyed our Easter day service with champagne communion and also celebrated a baptism!

Easter holiday activities at The EDGE Hub – update from Ruth
We had lots of fun during the Easter holidays at The EDGE Hub with 4 Easter events held.  We had a lot of people through the door (approx. 60 people every day) with lots coming back and new faces.  Lots of fun was had by all with crafts, games, painting eggs, decorating biscuits, making easter nests, tie dye, water games and much more!  The Easter party at EDGE+ brought over 100 people to us who were warmly welcomed, ate loads of chocolate and heard the Easter story. Thank you to everyone who helped!

APCM update
It was great to meet together for our APCM at the end of April.  We celebrated what has been happening at Ascension over the last year and voted for our churchwardens as well as new members to the PCC and Deanery Synod.  We would like to thank Rosemary Haughton and Alex Walker who have now come to the end of their time on the PCC.  We are pleased to confirm that John Finney, Chris (Tiff) Allcock and Suzanne Lancashire have been voted on to the PCC as new members, and Tim Nutt has been co-opted as Treasurer. Voted in as our two new Deanery Synod Representatives were Steve Alexander and Craig Gallen.  Meanwhile, Andy Gordon and Loz Foskett were voted for to continue as our Church Wardens. We are so thankful to all who support Ascension in these important roles.

Evening Services
We are excited to be planning to start a regular Sunday evening service here at Ascension, starting in June, to allow a different opportunity to worship and meet together.  More information will follow in due course! in the meantime, please do join us for our next Worship and Prayer Evening on Sunday 12th May.

Our defibrillator is now on the wall by the Thorold Road entrance to Ascension. In an emergency, 999 call handlers can direct people to their nearest defibrillator and give them the code to access the equipment. Ascension’s staff team have the code in case of an emergency within the church.

May Prayer Points
In your personal prayers this month please particularly remember those who are in need at this time of sickness, bereavement or other distress and members of our immediate church family. Also, please pray for Basics Bank (food and clothing) that they will have all that they require to meet the physical and spiritual needs of all those that use their service.

Praying for the Parish – We want to thank those who are faithfully praying for all the roads in the Parish (list available from the office). As we have begun Prayer Walks we want to offer a new idea. Consider praying for the homes, schools, buildings around your house as you walk/drive as our Prayer Walks are near Ascension.  We hope to cover other areas soon – do join us – praying “We invite the Holy Spirit into this area” – Jacqui & Ginny.

Coming up this month:
More information available on our events page
Sundays  12th & 26th May, 4.00 – 6.00 pm – EDGE+ (at Townhill Park Community Centre)     Friendship, support, games, craft and stories of Jesus, with a simple meal together.

Sunday 12th May, 7.00 – 8.30 pm – Worship and Prayer Evening        
An informal evening time for prayer and worship together.

Saturday 18th May 08.30 – 10.00 am – Men’s Breakfast
A breakfast social for the men from our church and community.  Tickets £5, please book via Ascension website.

Sunday 19th May, 7.00 – 8.00 pm  – Prayer Walk
Join us to walk and pray around our Parish. Meet outside Ascension at 7pm.

Finally, in and amongst all the business of this month, we pray that you are able to draw nearer to God and make space to spend time with Him.

God bless and we hope to see you soon,

The Ascension Staff Team


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