The schools have broken up for the summer and things will be a bit quieter but we’re still here during August and would love you to join us!
August Services at Ascension
Our 9 am services will continue as normal throughout August, but our 10:45 services will look a little different. There will be no separate children’s and youth groups during August, but we will all meet together for services which will be designed to accommodate everyone. These will be deliberately shorter over August so that we can all make the most of these (sunny?) summer days. Do come and start your day with us!
Ascension Staff Changes
We are so pleased to welcome Sandra to the staff team here at Ascension. Sandra will be working with Ruth in Townhill Park as a Church Army Pioneer Evangelist. You will find her most mornings at the EDGE Hub so do pop by and say hello to her there if you can.
We are also saying goodbye and thank you to Anna who is stepping down from her role as Parish Administrator today. Thankfully she isn’t going far as she will remain part of our worshiping community and will continue in her role as Ascension Running Community Lead. If you would like to find out more about our running community, do get in touch with her here:
Church Picnics at Riverside Park
Weather permitting, on Sundays 4th and 18th August, we will be heading to Riverside Park from 12 noon (after the 10:45 service) to enjoy a picnic and social time together. Bring your own food and drink and aim for the big field space beside Cobden bridge. We would love to see you there!
Art Exhibition
Once again the church will be the venue for the Ascension Community Art Group annual Art Exhibition held in association with the Hampshire Open Studios from Saturday 17th to Sunday 25th August. All are welcome for free viewings as follows:
Monday to Saturday 10 am – 5 pm,
Sundays 1.30 pm – 5 pm.
The café will be open for refreshments and cream teas, with all proceeds raising money for Cancer Research UK.
Townhill Park Summer Activities
The EDGE Hub
During the summer holidays The EDGE Hub will be open Monday – Thursday 10.00 – 12.00, with crafts and games for kids, we would love to see you!
EDGE+ on the field – Sundays 4th and 18th August, 4 – 6 pm.
In August, we are hoping that the weather will allow us to meet outside for our EDGE+ Sunday gatherings You will find us on the field opposite Townhill Community Centre for our time together. We hope you can join us! Please bring a picnic!
EDGE+ Summer Fun – Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th August
Our Summer Fun pop up event is back for 2 days this August! Come and join us for arts and crafts, messy games, fun activities and a pop up farm! There will be hot and cold drinks, snacks and a tuck shop. Please contact Ruth (Tel: 07484 617871) if you can spare any time to help with this special event or can bake and deliver a cake (no nuts please).
Tuesday 27th August: 10am – 4pm – Craft, drinks, cakes & Games, 2pm – Messy Games (be prepared to get very dirty, no best clothes!)
Wednesday 28th August: 10am – 4pm – Craft, drinks, cakes & games, 2pm – Popell Barns Mobile Farm (miniature donkey as well as sheep, ducks and chicken)
September dates for the diary:
Sunday Children’s & Youth groups resume – Sunday 1st September, 10.45 am
Worship and Prayer Evening – Sunday 8th September, 7.00 – 8.30 pm
Ride & Stride – Saturday 14th September (details to follow)
Creation Care Sunday – Sunday 15th September (both services)
Men’s Breakfast – Saturday 21st September, 08.30 – 10.00 am
Finally, as we look ahead to this Sunday, where we will be reflecting on what is means to be a neighbour and our calling to “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ “(Luke 10:27) we would invite you to consider praying for the homes, schools and buildings around your house as you walk/drive in your local area this August, praying “we invite the Holy Spirit into this area.”
God Bless and hope to see you Sunday,
Ascension Staff Team